Flip Bottle

Flip Bottle

Flip Bottle

Flip Bottle

To play Flip Bottle, a player must toss a bottle onto one of the game's platforms and then hop across to the final, checkered block. You must invert it, and there are three possible starting points: above the television, atop a bookcase, or atop the microwave. Run it along the slanted edges of your paintings and pictures, or let it bounce off the toaster.

If you don't want the bottle to shatter on the floor, you'll need to jump and double jump. Coins are awarded for completing levels, and extra bottles can be unlocked from the main menu. Open beer bottles, soda bottles, wine bottles, coffee mugs, and even champagne bottles with ease. To get the full experience, play more Gun War Z2 games.

How To Play

  • Keep the bottle steady with the mouse, then leap over the checkered blocks until you reach the final one.
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